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Orientation and Move-In

Orientation Is Mandatory

我们知道过渡可能会令人困惑,我们在这里提供帮助. 我们希望你尽可能做好准备,这就是为什么你承诺参加所有的迎新活动是非常重要的.

参加迎新会是强制性的,因为参加迎新会的学生更成功,更容易在毕业前走上正轨. We will connect you to resources, services, 让365亚洲版学院有家的感觉. 这只是在365亚洲版学习、思考和建立联系的新方式的开始.

There are no make-up sessions available.

2024 Move-In Dates and Orientation Schedules


Pre-Arrival Requirements

Student Required Actions

所有学生都可以在完成学生要求的行动之前登记入住. Plan to actively check your student portal 看看你已经完成了哪些学生要求的行动,哪些行动还需要完成. 请特别注意以下学生行动要求:

Business Office Student Required Actions:

Questions: Wendy Deitrick,

Office of Financial Aid Required Actions

If students have questions about whether or not these actions have been completed, they should be in contact (434) 947-8128.

Health Center Student Required Actions


显示“完全接种”状态*的文件必须电邮至Ruby Bryant ( by AUGUST 1.

Students who arrive on or after August 15 should receive their first vaccine (if receiving Moderna or Pfizer) no later than July 1; if receiving a one-dose vaccine (Janssen by Johnson & 约翰逊),最迟应在8月1日收到.

Students who arrive before August 12 是否必须在抵达前出示证明已接种疫苗的文件
(ex. 住宿助理将于8月11日抵达校园:接种两剂疫苗, their first dose should be received no later than June 28; for one-dose vaccines, 第一次接种应不迟于7月26日)。

Exemptions: Only two exemptions are accepted:

  1. Medical Exemption -在有执照的医疗保健提供者的办公室信笺上接受
  2. Religious Exemption (PDF).


学生可能还需要采取有关健康保险豁免和 Medical Forms/Documentation.

Questions: Ruby Bryant,

Arrival Check-In Information

  1. Upon arrival at campus, park your vehicle in the Bell Hall lot located off of N Princeton Circle. ( Campus Map )
  2. Do NOT unload your car before checking in.
  3. 学生们,请前往大厅大厅开始登记手续. There will be volunteers to help you find your way. 家长们,请待在车里直到学生报到回来.
  4. At check-in, 新入学的一年级学生将获得他们的Paw Pass(学生证), room key, an information packet, and instructions for moving into their residence hall. Various offices will be available to answer questions.

Move-In Information

Be advised that 所有学生必须在收到房间钥匙之前完成入住手续. 一旦你完成了这个过程,你可以拿起你的钥匙,开始进入你的房间.

  • Main Hall residents -如果你住在正厅,并且已经被批准开始你的搬家, 您可以将您的车辆移到前校园车道开始卸载过程.
  • Bell Hall residents -如果你住在贝尔大厅,并且已经被批准开始你的搬家, 您可以在钟厅停车场开始卸货.

Be Efficient

  1. 把你的车开到宿舍指定的装货区.
  2. 我们的迎宾小组将在每个宿舍的帐篷里帮助您卸下行李并将其运送到您的房间.
  3. Once your vehicle has been unloaded, 立即将其移回贝尔停车场,以便其他人开始卸货.
  4. 您的车辆可以在今天剩下的时间里安全地停在贝尔停车场.

Be Prepared

  • What to Bring – Our students have prepared a list of essential items you will need for your room.
  • Label Your Stuff – Prior to arrival, please label all of your boxes, baskets, suitcases, 并在物品上注明您的房间号和姓名,以帮助我们的迎宾团队确保您的物品到达正确的房间.  (i.e. 贝尔300 -万达野猫)遮蔽胶带和记号笔工作很好.
  • Carts -带上自己的手推车或手推车是一个好主意,会让你的移动过程更快. 但是,将有推车可退房,先到先得.

Vehicle Registration

打算把车停在校园里的学生应该 register their vehicle and sign up for a parking pass.

PawPass Photos

Your PawPass I.D. 卡是您进入宿舍和其他设施的电子钥匙. You use it to access your meal plan in the dining hall, buy coffee in the Skeller, check out materials in the library, etc.

We take your photo: 在办理入住手续时,我们会为您拍照并在您等待时为您创建PawPass.


Submit your own:  This year, 我们增加了一个选项,让你提交自己的照片,并在登记时等待你的PawPass. 要利用此选项,您必须按照以下指导原则提交照片:

  • color photo in JPG or PNG format.
  • 一张最近的大头照(不到一年前的),准确地显示了你现在的样子(毕竟), it is an indentification photo);
  • offering a simple smile, or a more serious look;
  • looking into the camera lens/phone directly;
  • no smaller than 800 x 600 pixels and in color.

Use your randolphcollege.Edu的电子邮件帐户,将照片文件作为附件发送到


We look forward to seeing you soon. 如果您对入学有任何疑问或疑虑,请联系…

Amanda Denny
Assistant Dean of Students

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